Temere 2021
Temere is a randomly generated dungeon crawler. You play as a little prince trying to take back his kingdom from the evil monsters that overthrew him. Use your trusty mouse and keyboard to battle strange creatures and escape the labyrinth your land has become.
-'WASD' keys for movement
-Left Mouse Button or 'K' to swing your weapon
-Esc to quit
-Defeat as many enemies as you can to increase your score
-Find a way out of the labyrinth
-Look for chests to increase your health and damage
Emmy Berg - Lead Developer / Director
Cainos - Creator on itch.io, source for majority of art assets [https://cainos.itch.io/pixel-art-top-down-basic]
FreeMusicArchive - Royalty free site for music [https://freemusicarchive.org/genre/Ambient?sort=date&d=0&pageSize=20&page=2] (CC License)
Mixkit - Stock/Free audio assets [https://mixkit.co/]
TeknoAxe - Royalty Free Audio Developer [http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=1247] (CC License)