
Not 100% done, but a cool testing of a concept early in the year.

| Members | Roles |


Orion G | Game Design Lead

Alex M | Tech Lead

Dev D | Game Director

Flynn D | Producer

Abhishikth K | Sound Design & Art Lead

### Game Overview

Weave through a shipwreck with your trusty harpoon gun in hand.


WASD Movement

Click an hold left mouse button to grapple.

*Game Summary*\

Underwater, 2D sidescroller, where the player, wearing a heavy diving suit, needs to use their harpoon gun to grapple along the seafloor and the inner workings of a sunken ship, collecting doubloons and smashing obstacles in their way.

*Win/Lose Conditions*\

Get to the end of the level. You lose by touching enemies and obstacles, or getting crushed by falling debris.